A collection of methods to obtain free unlimited capacity Google Team Cloud Drive

Last updated on:2021-09-09 15:06:22

Google Team Drive is a network hard drive service provided by Google,Designed specifically for teams,Files in Google Team Drive belong to the team rather than individual users,Everyone on the team can view files in the team drive。

Google Team Disk theoretically has unlimited space,But the number of files is limited:40Ten thousand。

Get method 1:

Buy G Suite,The official official channel price is $12/month。Google official purchase address:https://gsuite.google.com/intl/en_my/pricing.html

Get method 2:

Add the network disk name and Google account you want through the URL shared by netizens below.,Go to the prompt after successhttps://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/shared-drivesLog in to view。

Get method 3:

Apply for overseas EDU education email address,Some foreign schools’ mailboxes can create team disks,Not listed here,Because I can't apply for the test。

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3 years ago

Why is the magnetic collection gone?