telegram bot|Telegram Robot Collection
Last updated on:2024-11-08 23:06:50
telegram (TG) is also called telegraph in China,It’s a foreign chat tool,Provide channels、group、Robots and other functions。Here we collect a variety of robots with different functions,Bots can help manage groups,Translation available,Can download documents on behalf of,Can remind website updates, etc.。
TG’s official website has been blocked,Therefore, the links provided in this article may not be accessible properly.,Need to bring your own ladder。If you already use TG proxy,You can use TG freely but cannot access web pages without a global proxy,You can directly copy @robot name and search for it in TG to use TG robot.。
There will be a prompt after entering "/" in the chat sending box to use the bot robot command.。/help is the help command,General robots can use it to understand how to use this robot|bot。
telegram official bot|robot
- @botfahter Official bot to manage bots,Generally don't use it,Put it first because anyone who wants to create a robot needs to use it.。
TG Chinese group index robot bot
- @jisou2bot 【🔍极搜-中文搜索(复活版)】:Hao123 on Telegram,Channel list,is to send keywords,Then BOT provides robots for keyword-related groups。Can be added to a group for use。
- @jishou_heji Jisou – Search Group,If you don’t know how to use robots, you can directly go to the channel or group keyword search you are looking for.
- @soso 【SOSO Soso Chinese Search】:Send keywords to find groups、channel or video。
- @soso_heji SOSO Soso – Search Group,If you don’t know how to use robots, you can directly go to the channel or group keyword search you are looking for.
- @smss【神马搜索】:TG的中文导航,发送词语即可搜索关联群组与频道资源
- @aiso【aiso中文搜索】:查找群组、channel、Film and television、音乐或机器人。
- @damososoBot 【Dharma Index】:TG is looking for groups·looking for organizations·must-have robots
- @zh_secretary_bot [TGX-Channel Secretary]:TGX-Index Bulletin Board @zh_secretary Group channel registration robot,advantage:Similar to [TGCN-Group Index Plan],There is now a place where you can view group channel recommendations,shortcoming:Cannot search by keyword
- @qunzudaquan_bot [TG group channel navigation robot – @qunzudaquan_bot]:Add @qunzudaquan_bot to your group for automatic inclusion,Send your group channel public link to:@qunzudaquan_bot,Send/update information that is not included or updated
Group lottery robot
- @tgLotteryBot【Lottery Bot V2】:Lottery assistant robot,Telegram Chinese lottery bot
- @LotteryIndex【Telegram Lucky Draw】:Lottery information display channel
- @LotteryHelperBot:Lottery assistant robot
- @Grinx_bot:Lucky draw assistant
- @fengdrawbot:Lottery robot
- @cnLottery_bot:Telegram lottery assistant
- @Lottery_home Telegram Sweepstakes Navigation,Recommended attention for those who want to have sex for free,If you want to promote a group, you can choose whether to recommend this channel after using the bot to create a lottery in your own group.。
- @tgLotteryv2bot :Lottery Assistant
- @tgLotteryv2 【Telegram Lucky Draw Navigation】:Lottery information display channel
- @XiaoCaiLotteryBot【Lottery Robot】:Support users、anonymous channel、Bot for anonymous group administrator lottery with title,No administrator rights required。
Activate member robot
- @VIP_hejibot [TG member self-service activation 24 hours a day]:Support USDT and Alipay payment,Convenient for those who do not have foreign bank cards to purchase Telegram Premium,同时可以支付trx租用tron能量节省trx转账USDT-trc20,可以克隆机器人自己使用
robots making robots
- @VisualMakerBot【VisualMaker】:You can make your own robots with various functions without programming,Powerful,Create a bot directly in telegram,But you need to learn relevant knowledge
Help manage group bots
- @KinhRoBot【KinhRoBot】:Chinese,Multifunctional group management,Enter group verification、Delete ads、Auto reply ban delete|Keywords, etc.
- @smart_vbot 【Small micro】:Chinese,Multifunctional group management,lottery,Cloneable
- @WeGroupRobot【We Group Bot】:Micro International Multilingual Edition
- @autopm_bot【Telegram Permission Management Bot】:Chinese,Switch the group's member permissions according to the set time and permissions for night mode and day mode, For example, you cannot send media in night mode.。
- @SSCCJbot【Let’s feel a little bit technological! 】:Function:Group management、lottery、Kill ads、Activity statistics
- @afoolrobot【Afu】:Group management,Support cloning,automatic response,ad filter,Color image deletion,Group entry check,Advertising ban, etc.
- @littleGuardianBot
- @telemethebot:Group management bot (TOLL) ,Can answer automatically,scheduled broadcast,Analyze group data
- @xxdamage2bot
- @YuanEnBot
- @HomelandSecurity_Bot:Chinese
- @GroupButler_bot:multi-language
- @GBReborn_bot:multi-language
- @SCP_079_BOT:is an anti-Spam bot
- @combot:Rich group management functions,But there is a fee,There is no charge for the analysis function
- @baymax_on_the_bot:Set daily muting time,Delete comments that are less than the specified number of words,Delete repeated comments within a specified time,You can only speak after inviting a specified number of people,Only designated channel members can speak,filter keywords,Ban certain types of messages,
- @Coolestbot:Group management bot
- @delete_media_bot Delete Media Robot Overnight:Add this robot to the chat group,Only voice and text can be displayed in the group from 24:00 to 7:00 Beijing time,Sending other media will be deleted,No restrictions on other time periods
- @QUNBOT【Group management robot @qunbot】:Send regularly,You must follow the designated follow channel to speak.,Keyword automatic reply,Channel scheduled advertisements and information with buttons, etc.。But the robot will regularly send advertisements in private messages
- @policr_mini_bot【Policr Mini (beta)】:Chinese,Open source self-deployable telegram group management robot
- Open source address:
- @P4CaptchaBot
- @group_confirmation_bot Verification robot,Four Chinese character verification code
- @tgcnjoincaptchabot:Join group verification,Kill ads
- @TGreCAPTCHABot:reCAPTCHA code for Telegram groups
- @jqs7zweibot:Add group verification code
- @policr_bot:Join group verification,Users can customize questions
- @FengDoorBot:welcome message,Message self-destructs,Enter group verification
- @orgrobot:Group verification issues,Group management can customize verification questions,May be charged later
- @fuckuspambot:Filtering robots already support using Google human-machine verification when joining a group.。
- @shieldy_bot:Group verification bot
- @toorucaptchabot:A simple addition and subtraction operation is added to the group verification robot
ad blocking
- @autodeletead_bot【AdBot ?】:Chinese,Based on artificial "intelligence" machine learning and deep learning, Automatically delete group "Promotion/Advertisement/Spinach" and other messages。
- @adnamekillerbot:Long-name advertising special killing
- @AutoRestrictBot:Limit new group members
- @AntiServiceMessageBot:I remove join/leave messages in groups and supergroups.
- @WatchDoorBot:Can prohibit sending specific types of information,Used to avoid malicious reports,official address
Nick name
- @UNameBot:Send reminder message when user forgets to set username
- @SangMata_BOT:Adding it to a group can monitor the name change records of users in the group.
Forbidden stickers
- @nosticker_bot:delete sticker
- @TgAntiReportBot
- @tgcnbot:Report violations through voting
Group statistics
- @iWordCloudBot【Word cloud robot】:One can count group users' speeches,And a robot that can generate a word cloud from chat content。Granted to administrators after being added to the group,All permissions can be turned off。
- GitHubOpen Source:
- @typcn_soliloquize_bot:Analyze the activity level of group members
- @CNBlackListRBot:blacklist bot
- @MessageAnalystBot
- @hj_util_bot
automatic response
- @fengfaqbot The Honey of the Host – Yukien:Group owner secretary,Automatically reply to messages,Automatically remove swear words
- @keyword_reply_bot I know this – Keyword Robot:Automatically reply to content corresponding to keywords,Delete messages containing keywords。GitHub
- @MissRose_bot Rose:English group management bot,Can automatically reply to keywords,Limit the number of speeches within a specific time and many other functions
Post anonymously
- @Anonymous_telegram_bot:Anonymous speaking robot,Invite it to the group,Then send the content you want to publish anonymously to the bot in a private message,Then select the group you want to send anonymous messages to,The robot will help you send messages to this group
- @mirroring_bot:If you send it to the bot, it will be sent back again.,Used to hide the original speaker。It will reply to the content you sent intact.,Then forward it to others,Others can only see that the poster is this robot
video release
- @DouYinAppBot【SeSe色色 • 抖音视频】:发布关键词机器人自动回复视频,加入鉴黄工作者
- 也可以把这个机器人拉到频道自动发布视频,Effect:
Picture publishing
- @xiannvgong_bot Fairy Palace:Picture publishing robot (non-missing pictures),/hello 9 random photos,/all A random set of photos (use traffic with caution,I tried it once and sent 130 photos)
Two-way robot
If you are restricted from private chatting,Clone your own two-way robot for easy communication
- @JQRGCBot[Robot customization, two-way robot free cloning factory]:Chinese
- @ConnectThisBot【Connector】:English
RSS Subscription Robot:
Recommended for channels,Groups use influence to communicate
- @RSSWBot 【RSS shop】:Full text RSS feed available,You can also set subscription keywords,Details can be found on his official website
- @NodeRSS_bot 【NodeRSSBot】:Multi-language support,Can be deployed by docker by yourself
- @rssflowbot 【flowerss】:An RSS bot that supports in-app reading,Automatically convert content into links,View RSS content directly in telegram,You can use docker to deploy RSS robots for your own use,docker deployment method
- @RssChinabot 【RssChinaBot】:Recently @rssflowbot went on strike,This robot is built using flowerss open source code,It can also provide the function of previewing RSS content in TG
- @EventsAggregatorBot:foreign bot,Retweet your favorite tweets in Telegram、Instagram、RSS、Reddit、YouTube、Twitch account。
- @rss2tg_bot:foreign bot,Send it the rss link directly,Sending the same link once will unsubscribe.,There are advertisements
- @TheFeedReaderBot 【Feed Reader Bot】:foreign bot,Feed Reader Bot monitors websites, Facebook/Youtube/Twitter ,accounts, and sends messages when new posts are made. YouTube videos smaller than 50M are directly available for file download.,Connect your own twitter account,Customizable video,picture,Text sending method,For example, whether to use telegarm to preview,Whether to output full text,And can output overly long content through segmentation,Pictures can be output directly,video,text,Up to 8 subscriptions,Hair loss often occurs
- @RustRssBot 【RSSBot】:Chinese Telegram RSS Robot(Subscribe to group:Pull the bot into the group with the command /sub Subscribing to the channel requires private chat,For example /sub @xxx
- @AximoBot:foreign bot,Social Media RSS Robot,Subscribe to,,,,,, accounts, users and public groups, blogs, channels and Facebook public pages.
- @FeedManBot 【Feed Man Bot】:foreign bot,Your perfect partner,All your RSS feeds can be updated at any time,Full text subscription available,Subscribe to up to 50 youtube channels
- @the_monitor_bot 【The Monitor – RSS Reader】:foreign bot,El Monitorro is an RSS reader,When you subscribe to a new feed,You will receive its last 10 messages。after,You will only receive new content。RSS feed update check interval is 1 minute。The delivery interval for unread emails is also 1 minute。at present,The number of subscriptions is limited to 20。
- @RSStT_Bot【RSS to Telegram Bot】:Powerful,Easy to browse,Can be built by oneself
Download resource related robot bot
- @filetobot【File to bot】:Save your files in Telegram’s unlimited private storage。Can send or forward files (including videos、audio, etc.),The reply contains a URL that can be opened and downloaded by the browser.,Domestic download speeds are generally only a few dozen K。You can choose Chinese
- @GoogleDriveManagerBot Google Cloud Storage Manager:GD network disk resource transfer,The free version can only transfer deposits every day 50 files
- @Gdriveit_bot Can help you upload telegram files to your Google drive,And you can view your GD files in TG
- @Tg2extbot Public Link Bot:Upload or forward files to it,It will help you upload to the designated foreign network disk and share the link with you
- @UloaditV2Bot【URL Uploader】:Send the direct download address to the robot,It will be uploaded to telegram remotely
- @gdlink_bot GDlink:Send the sharing link of the GD network disk single file to it,It will reply to the direct link download address
- @GetPublicLinkBot::Forward the telegram file to this bot,It will generate external download links so that you can use third-party download tools (such as idm,Thunder, etc.) download,Or transfer it to your GOOGLE cloud disk (need to be bound first)
- @MyPersonalBackupBot【MyBot】:Send a file (document) in chat、video、photo、sticker、Audio、voice、gif),Then reply to the file just sent,Command "save filename123",Then send "file name 123" to the robot in the future,it will send you this file。
Download YouTube video audio bot bot
- @bilibiliparse_bot[AI online analysis summary video]:Support Bilibili analysis、 Douyin analysis、 Xiaohongshu analysis、 Twitter(Twitter)parse、 Instagram analysis、 Youtube(oil pipe)parse、 Tiktok analysis、 Kuaishou analysis、 Analysis of Pipi Shrimp、Hupu analysis、 Weibo analysis
- @UploadsRobot【?UploadsBOT⚡️】:In addition to downloading YouTube,You can also download direct link files on your behalf。Need to follow the channel。Videos with age restrictions may not be downloadable。
- @TG_YouTubeBot【YouTube bot⚡️】:Need to follow the channel。Videos with age restrictions may not be downloadable。
- @YouTubeV2TGBot【YouTube】:Need to follow the channel。
Film and television robot bot
- @Tv_subtitles_bot TV Subtitles:Provide English subtitles for TV series
- @subtitle_dl_bot Subtitles:Provide English subtitles for movies
music robot bot
- @vkm_bot【VKM Bot】:Send artist name or song title,Will reply to you with multiple singers and songs to choose from
- @vkmusic_bot【VK Music Bot】:Same as 【VKM Bot】,Send artist name or song title,Will reply to you with multiple singers and songs to choose from
- @ChinoNyanBot[Chinoya]:Download lossless music for free (supports QQ Music, NetEase Cloud and Xiami。QQ lossless may not be available (Aquamarine)
- @zenplayerbot【Zen Player】:Download lossless music for free,It seems that Chinese support is not very good,No songs were found when testing "Under the Sea"
- @WooMaiBot[Hymono sister! Small haze]:Chinese,Multifunctional entertainment robot,How to use song request/netease song title ,Can be used in groups。There are many practical functions,translate,Obtain personal information,Get the data center where the account is located,QR code encoding/decoding,Image text recognition,Wall detection,Generate higher strength random numbers,Get sticker image,Get IP address information,ping,Query WHOIS information,Query domain name ICP registration information,Hash plaintext query
- Detailed description:
language translation robot bot
- @TransChat_bot【TransChat – AI Translation】:Can be invited to groups,A robot that automatically translates dozens of languages,There are some free quotas every day。Private chat robot translation for free
- @Translate:A robot that can translate its own speech into English and other languages
- @bingdict_bot:Bing-based dictionary、Translation function
- @TranslateFather_bot:translation robot
- @en_to_tw_bot:English-traditional translation robot
- @TranslateBot:translation robot
- @lang_translate_bot:translation robot,Can operate in groups
- @The_Translator_bot:translation robot,Can operate in groups
- @YTranslateBot:translate
channel bot bot
- @channellikebot:Channel Like Bot , Utilities,After this Bot publishes any post in the channel,will automatically add a message with two voting buttons。Nothing else is needed
- @jogle_channel_bot:This bot provides a portal for your channel to reply to and display comment information,Thus providing an interactive platform for the channel。Just add this BOT as channel admin,Then private chat robot /help and operate according to the prompts。
- @discussbot:A comment bot created by Telegram,The official website is ,This website provides 2 functions,The one on the left is this robot,Add it to your channel,There will then be a button below your published content,Clicking will pop up a web page,You can leave comments after logging in above,Official demo,Notice:The forwarded content seems to have no effect。The one on the right is a third-party comment function provided by telegram that can be added to your website.,Comment data is stored on TG’s servers,You also need to log in to your TG account to comment.,Chinese is not currently supported,Therefore, you need to consider the inconvenience for your domestic users to register a TG account (TG’s official website requires scientific access to the Internet to register an account)。
Email related robot bot
- @DropmailBot a temporary email with the suffix
Some website robots
- @HK_heroku_BOT:Manage your heroku account。
- @ppuabot:if in Apply for a free domain name of,Will be used when activating。
- @smsActivateruBot: A robot for a Russian code receiving website,For the time being, I only know that after logging in after binding, a message will be sent to TG to remind you.。
Anonymous transactions
- @MugglePayBot [TG Anonymous Payment Wallet – Muggle Treasure]:Electronic wallet based on telegarm,0 handling fees for anonymous transactions。Safety unknown!
GIF query
- @TumblrAce_bot[GIF provenance query robot]:This robot can help you find the source of GIF animations,Query requires points,Initial points: 50 points,You can get 30 more points by visiting through the invitation link when you use it for the first time.
- @mine_sweeper_bot 【Minesweeper】:minesweeper game GitHub
- @xiaoshuobot:A robot that can download novels by following prompts,Provided is TXT format file download
Delete messages in batches
- @delall_bot:You can delete all your channel or group messages。Add the bot to the channel/group as admin (at least with "Delete Message"、"Invite users" and "Add administrator" permissions)
Query TG account information
- @getidsbot【GetIDs Bot】:Forward private chat content to the robot to get an ID
Limit copy message extractor
Used when a channel or group restricts copying of message content,Such robots generally require that they must pay attention to designated channels
- @msg_get_bot【Telegram Message Extractor(Support public/private channels/groups)】:5 free times a day
You can build your own robot source code
May be repeated as above,This area collects code provided by the author,Bots you can use on your own server
- @Archive_by_2049bbsBot 【Web Archive Robot】:Send URL to automatically archive web pages
- Telegram card issuing robot
- shell-bot:shellbot is a Telegram bot that executes Shell commands remotely,That is, use the Linux command,Control your VPS via bot。
- fclone shell bot:Based on shell-bot,Use fclone to transfer Google drive files through telegram robot。
- @TdPmBot:Full-featured Telegram private chat bot and creator。Helps you create and manage Telegram private chat bots。
- tgcf:将指定频道消息转发到另一个指定频道的telegram机器人
Commonly used robots:The following have not been sorted out yet
- @ComenBot:Guestbook
- @CommentsBot:Guestbook,All messages are displayed in a new web page
- @anycombot:Automatically add comment button,like button,Share on facebook,twitter,vk button
- @groupagreebot(Invalid):Guestbook,Voting and other functions
- @vote:used to create polls ,Up to ten items
- @multi_vote_bot:Create a multiple-choice poll,Anonymous voting
- @groupdisagreebot:vote,Unlimited options,Users can add options independently
- @homegroupagreebot
- @advancedpollbot
- @shizzlegroupagreebot
- @ultimate_pollbot:A voting bot with rich features,Options can be added,Multiple choice,Can be anonymous
- @shizzlegroupagreebot:Very slow,Voting and other functions
- @like:Comments with like and other emoticon buttons
- @bold:Markdown bot formatted input,enter: @bold this is bold , this is Italic , and this is
wp:list-item 0
。You can get。 - @inlinebubot:This bot can send buttons using simple syntax,No programming required,Solve the pain point of human telegram accounts being unable to send buttons。
- @mdrobot:Send me markdown text and I will format it for you
- @S4Channels:This bot will send formatted text to your
- @ControllerBot:Bots for channel owners,Can help you create rich posts,View statistics and more
- @PostBot:Comments to help generate custom buttons
- @printfbot:Help formatting text post-publish,For example, add likes,link button,html,markdown or native format
- @BotsGramButtonsBot:button robot
- @Buttoncreatingbot:Make a button robot
- @Qualitymovbot:Make a button robot
- @my_buttonbot:Make a button robot
- @TG_PostBot:Make a button robot
- @twittervid_bot:download twitter video
- @Instasave_bot download instagram。Just send the link
- @youtube:YouTube video search
- @YoutubeChannelsBot:This robot is developed for Chinese Youtubers,Integrated Youtube Data API, Convenient for Youtuber group owners to manage their own channels,At the same time, this robot also provides some functions commonly used in the group.
- @spambot:Official robot,If the account is restricted due to advertising or other reasons,You can find relevant information through this robot
- @tlgurbot:Get a public link for a photo/video/file with Telegram.
- @TransferRobot transfers files smaller than 20mb to the robot,which generates external download links。The link is not blocked
- @txt2speechbot:Text to speech
- @ehForwarderBot:You can send and receive WeChat messages on Telegram,View details:
- @socks5_bot:Automatically set socks5 proxy,Log in to TG without bypassing the firewall
- @JButler_bot:Cryptocurrency Quote Bot
- @RSSHub_bot :Everything is possible RSS:RSSHub is a lightweight、Easily extensible RSS generator, Generate RSS feeds for any weird content
- @rsshubbot:Has expired
- @rsshub
- @telefeedbot(Invalid):Read rss feeds and social networks right in telegram
- @ChannelBroBot:Free Telegram Chat automation System ,Can automatically find website rss,Customizable sending format,Up to three RSS subscriptions
- @pstrbot:Send posts from different social networks to your channels,To use PosterBot you must create bot on @BotFather
- @chatfuelbot(Invalid):Build your own bot,YOUTUBE can be customized,TWITTER,RSS etc.
- @Manybot:Manybot lets you create your own bot。 Send a message,Create custom commands and menus。 Press send message to start
- @LivegramBot:Livegram Bot is a builder of feedback bots for Telegram.
- @WikipediaLinkBot:use[[]]or{{}}Provides a link to the Chinese Wikipedia
- @at:youtube search robot,No need to add as a friend or join a group,Type @vid directly in the group or chat window,You can search youtube videos
- @CorsaBot:Convert web pages into posts,It is an upgraded version of @chotamreaderbot
- @chotamreaderbot:Instant preview,After sending the link, you can instantly preview the full text
- @ReadmeBot:Show the full text of the linked page
- @apkdl_bot:Download Android apps and games
- @tchannelsbot:English group channel list。Find channels in Telegram。
- @youtube:This robot recommends applications for personal use、group、channel。Used to find popular YouTube videos,Or you can specify a subscription channel,Notify when new videos are available。
- @leakip_bot:Check if IP is leaked by telegram
- @telegraph:This bot can help you log in on, manage your articles, and get page view statistics.
- @JsonDumpBot:by forwarding messages,Can get the UID of the sender of the message
- @userinfobot:View the ID of the person who forwarded the message
- @getidsbot:This bot gives you telegram-internal information about messages
- @getidsstagingbot:by forwarding messages,Can get the UID of the sender of the message
- @myidbot:Get the tg id of yourself or all groups
- @MTProxybot:Set up and manage Telegram MTProxy servers
- @gdprbot:This bot helps you get a copy of your data saved on the telegarm server
- @WordFreqBot:Count the frequency of words within a group
- @GifReverseBot:gif timeline backwards
- @GmailBot:gmail official
- @WhatAnimeBot:Search anime by pictures
- @temp_mail_bot:Can randomly generate a temporary mailbox with a validity period of 10 minutes,Applicable to temporary registration
- @UserBot:Check local information,Includes CPU temperature,Memory,IP address etc.
- @LinkGeneratorBot:Tg short URL service
- @referbot:Tg short URL service
- @gohubioBot:URL shortening service
- @filetobot file saving
- @filesbot file sharing
- @thesafebot File encryption and sharing
- @hidetextbot:Generate a post in TG,and generate links for dissemination (Used to spread private posts)
- @TransferRobot transfers files smaller than 20mb to the robot,which generates external download links。The link is not blocked
- web_image_extractor_bot:A robot that fetches pictures in batches from web pages and sends them in the form of albums,channel: @webimageextractor
- @junction_bot:Collect posts from channels,so you can read them all in one feed。 Messages can also be forwarded to group chats and channels,The free version can subscribe to 10 channels,Paid version unlimited
- @tagchannelbot:Forward messages with specified tags in the group to the channel
- @SingleFeedBot:Channel aggregation reading robot
- @GIFDownloader_bot:tg is a robot that can save stickers into gifs
- @DownloadStickersBot:Emoticon Download Robot
- @Stickerdownloadbot:Emoticon Download Robot
- @stickersearchbot:Expression search robot
- @StFindBot:Expression search robot
- @EmojiWorldBot:Expression search robot
- channel2rssbot:Channels can be generated into rss
- @big_text_bot:Convert text into graphics for publishing
- @midi2wavebot:MIDI to MP3 robot
- @WhatAnimeBot anime search ,Send animation screenshots,The robot will tell you the anime information and the source of the screenshots (accurate to the episode, minutes and seconds), and the subtitles can also be used.。
- @spotifybot:Download a preview version of the song
- @MusicHuntersBot:music robot
- @u2bu_mp3_bot:music robot,How to use find song title,Can be used in groups
- @zenplayerbot:music robot,/netease <space>Song title or artist name
- @WebpageBot:Update instan view content
- @imgurplusbot:Imgur image bed robot
- @DistortBot:Picture twist robot
- @NTT_X_BOT:Can be bound to Twitter and can create private chat robots,Set up group automatic replies,You need to authenticate your twitter account to use it
- @gdriveme_bot:Send a file link or youtube address,Automatically upload to Google Drive
- @multiinoltrobot:Forward channel information to group
- @LinkbaseBot:Enter multiple URLs,Then search for the required content in the URL
-,Posts on the website are converted to web post,Previously it was to avoid website blocking,But now itself is blocked,There seems to be no use anymore.
- @FreqRobot:Limit the number of times a speaker can speak in a minute or a day
- @visiontest1bot:The best OCR recognition robot
- @imageToText_bot:The best OCR recognition robot
- @renamebot:Telegram file rename
- @File_RenamerBot:Telegram file rename
- @QR_Wizardbot:QR code robot
- @QRCodeRoBot:QR code robot
- @qrcrbot:QR code robot
- @MakeQrBot:QR code robot
- @BarQRCodeBot:QR code robot
- @attachbot:Convert images into invisible text links
- @nocaption_bot:Clear text attached to video files
- @letmebot:Can be googled,duckduckgo,Search on youtube etc.
- @multiple_pin_bot :You can add multiple messages to the group
- @scihubot : access Scientific Papers for free via SciHub (
- @QuizBot:Test questions
- @alertbot:This robot recommends applications for personal use。You can send specified messages to yourself after a specified time,It's a reminder tool
- @WikiRobot:Send messages to the group periodically
- @sticker_time_bot:Send a picture reminder every hour
- @AntiHyperlinkBot:removes all messages which contain links
- @AntiArabicScriptBot:removes all messages which contain arabic script
- @SpamMeNotBot:protects your group from spam/flood attacks
- @AntiCommandBot:removes all messages which contain a /command
- @GroupOwnerBot.:More useful bots for group owners
- @drwebbot:Dr.Web launches an experimental Telegram Bot,It can check web links and files,and warn if threats are contained。When you receive a suspicious file,It can be forwarded to this Bot for inspection。Notice:This Bot is not a replacement for anti-virus software,Because it cannot scan mobile devices or computers,Block malware and repair infected devices。If you want to completely protect your device,We recommend you to install Dr.Web Anti-Virus。After adding it to the group and configuring it,,When a threat is found in files sent in group chats,It will prompt in time:Which file is a threat?,What is the name of the virus?,Facilitate further operations for administrators。(It is recommended to turn on quiet mode,Let the bot only send notifications when a threat is detected)。Single file limit 20M (Aquamarine)
- Group Cleanup Master @GroupCleanupMasterBot:Smart clear ads
- @grep_robot:Delete posts containing blacklisted words
- @LookOnbot:advertising killer,Just delete the message to assist group management in clearing ads,There are also many practical functions,Including prohibiting associated channels from being pinned to the top,Block virus files, etc.
- @ProtectronBot:Remove ad link,short link,Forward,Group messages in and out,Set keyword blacklist,Ban screen swiping,Delete pornographic images, etc.,More manslaughter.
- @freqrobot:Limit the speaking frequency of group members
- @adzhongjiezhe_bot:ad buster,Delete offending messages by setting keywords
- @DiscussUnpinBot:Disable association with channel group pins
- @noexebot:Automatically delete exe、scr、com、Files with cpl suffix
- @daysandbox_bot:Delete the forwarding of new people who join the group within 24 hours,Pictures and other information
- @watchdog_robot:Delete certain types of information,For example link,sticker,picture,voice message,documents etc.
- @noarab_bot:Remove Arabic and Farsi messages
- @lang_blocker_bot:Delete information in specified language
- @HushRobot:Disable group chat
- @join_bot:Delete prompt information for entering and exiting a group
- @nohello_robot:Delete welcome message
- @jung2_bot counts the number of comments made by users in the group
- Statistics Secretary @FengStatsBot:,This secretary does various statistics in the group,Number of speeches etc.
- @MasterTagAlertBot management notifications
- @imdb:Check movie information on IMDb
- @uploadbot magical ordinary URL to TG file,Single file limit 500M,1GB limit per day。If you want more space, you can buy VIP
- @jobs_bot:Telegram officially provides job opportunities
- @sms24_me :Provide a phone number to receive text messages is a powerful, convenient and easy-to-use Telegram community management Bot.,TOLL,There is a free quota - @SearcheeBot:TG channel search robot
- @BotListBot:bot search
- @ExploreTelegramBot:Find bot,channel,group,Stickers etc.
- @GroupHelpBot:Group management bot,In addition to commonly used commands,You can also view the recently inactive list,Set keyword auto-reply
- @LimitedBot:Generate private chat bot
- @callAdminsBot:Send a message to the administrator
- @hexlightning_bot:Taiwanese’s own blacklist bot
- BotoStore: A foreign website that specifically includes telegram bots,A bot that filters out spam and adult content
- BotsArchive: Telegram Bot Archives,Bots that do not include adult content
- telegram channel:@BotsArchive
- telegram bot:@BotsArchiveBot
- Search Telegram Bots: A website to find Telegram bots by type
- Telegram:Beginner's Guide、Usage tutorials and channel recommendations: netizenTingsupply,If you don’t understand the telegraph, you can read it (it’s blocked by a wall and needs a ladder)
- @DogeIndexBot 【🔍 Dog Index – Search Tool】:TG’s best search tool,Search channels with one click、Groups and bots
- @damo_heji :Bodhidharma – Search Group,If you don’t know how to use robots, you can directly go to the channel or group keyword search you are looking for.
- @baidusosobot【🔍百度搜索】:疑似复活,不过数据应该没更新,收录都是24年以前的
- @damososoBot 【Dharma Index】:TG is looking for groups·looking for organizations·must-have robots
- @zh_secretary_bot [TGX-Channel Secretary]:TGX-Index Bulletin Board @zh_secretary Group channel registration robot,advantage:Similar to [TGCN-Group Index Plan],There is now a place where you can view group channel recommendations,shortcoming:Cannot search by keyword
- @qunzudaquan_bot [TG group channel navigation robot – @qunzudaquan_bot]:Add @qunzudaquan_bot to your group for automatic inclusion,Send your group channel public link to:@qunzudaquan_bot,Send/update information that is not included or updated
Group lottery robot
- @tgLotteryBot【Lottery Bot V2】:Lottery assistant robot,Telegram Chinese lottery bot
- @LotteryIndex【Telegram Lucky Draw】:Lottery information display channel
- @LotteryHelperBot:Lottery assistant robot
- @Grinx_bot:Lucky draw assistant
- @fengdrawbot:Lottery robot
- @cnLottery_bot:Telegram lottery assistant
- @Lottery_home Telegram Sweepstakes Navigation,Recommended attention for those who want to have sex for free,If you want to promote a group, you can choose whether to recommend this channel after using the bot to create a lottery in your own group.。
- @tgLotteryv2bot :Lottery Assistant
- @tgLotteryv2 【Telegram Lucky Draw Navigation】:Lottery information display channel
- @XiaoCaiLotteryBot【Lottery Robot】:Support users、anonymous channel、Bot for anonymous group administrator lottery with title,No administrator rights required。
Activate member robot
- @VIP_hejibot [TG member self-service activation 24 hours a day]:Support USDT and Alipay payment,Convenient for those who do not have foreign bank cards to purchase Telegram Premium,同时可以支付trx租用tron能量节省trx转账USDT-trc20,可以克隆机器人自己使用
robots making robots
- @VisualMakerBot【VisualMaker】:You can make your own robots with various functions without programming,Powerful,Create a bot directly in telegram,But you need to learn relevant knowledge
Help manage group bots
- @KinhRoBot【KinhRoBot】:Chinese,Multifunctional group management,Enter group verification、Delete ads、Auto reply ban delete|Keywords, etc.
- @smart_vbot 【Small micro】:Chinese,Multifunctional group management,lottery,Cloneable
- @WeGroupRobot【We Group Bot】:Micro International Multilingual Edition
- @autopm_bot【Telegram Permission Management Bot】:Chinese,Switch the group's member permissions according to the set time and permissions for night mode and day mode, For example, you cannot send media in night mode.。
- @SSCCJbot【Let’s feel a little bit technological! 】:Function:Group management、lottery、Kill ads、Activity statistics
- @afoolrobot【Afu】:Group management,Support cloning,automatic response,ad filter,Color image deletion,Group entry check,Advertising ban, etc.
- @littleGuardianBot
- @telemethebot:Group management bot (TOLL) ,Can answer automatically,scheduled broadcast,Analyze group data
- @xxdamage2bot
- @YuanEnBot
- @HomelandSecurity_Bot:Chinese
- @GroupButler_bot:multi-language
- @GBReborn_bot:multi-language
- @SCP_079_BOT:is an anti-Spam bot
- @combot:Rich group management functions,But there is a fee,There is no charge for the analysis function
- @baymax_on_the_bot:Set daily muting time,Delete comments that are less than the specified number of words,Delete repeated comments within a specified time,You can only speak after inviting a specified number of people,Only designated channel members can speak,filter keywords,Ban certain types of messages,
- @Coolestbot:Group management bot
- @delete_media_bot Delete Media Robot Overnight:Add this robot to the chat group,Only voice and text can be displayed in the group from 24:00 to 7:00 Beijing time,Sending other media will be deleted,No restrictions on other time periods
- @QUNBOT【Group management robot @qunbot】:Send regularly,You must follow the designated follow channel to speak.,Keyword automatic reply,Channel scheduled advertisements and information with buttons, etc.。But the robot will regularly send advertisements in private messages
- @policr_mini_bot【Policr Mini (beta)】:Chinese,Open source self-deployable telegram group management robot
- Open source address:
- @P4CaptchaBot
- @group_confirmation_bot Verification robot,Four Chinese character verification code
- @tgcnjoincaptchabot:Join group verification,Kill ads
- @TGreCAPTCHABot:reCAPTCHA code for Telegram groups
- @jqs7zweibot:Add group verification code
- @policr_bot:Join group verification,Users can customize questions
- @FengDoorBot:welcome message,Message self-destructs,Enter group verification
- @orgrobot:Group verification issues,Group management can customize verification questions,May be charged later
- @fuckuspambot:Filtering robots already support using Google human-machine verification when joining a group.。
- @shieldy_bot:Group verification bot
- @toorucaptchabot:A simple addition and subtraction operation is added to the group verification robot
ad blocking
- @autodeletead_bot【AdBot ?】:Chinese,Based on artificial "intelligence" machine learning and deep learning, Automatically delete group "Promotion/Advertisement/Spinach" and other messages。
- @adnamekillerbot:Long-name advertising special killing
- @AutoRestrictBot:Limit new group members
- @AntiServiceMessageBot:I remove join/leave messages in groups and supergroups.
- @WatchDoorBot:Can prohibit sending specific types of information,Used to avoid malicious reports,official address
Nick name
- @UNameBot:Send reminder message when user forgets to set username
- @SangMata_BOT:Adding it to a group can monitor the name change records of users in the group.
Forbidden stickers
- @nosticker_bot:delete sticker
- @TgAntiReportBot
- @tgcnbot:Report violations through voting
Group statistics
- @iWordCloudBot【Word cloud robot】:One can count group users' speeches,And a robot that can generate a word cloud from chat content。Granted to administrators after being added to the group,All permissions can be turned off。
- GitHubOpen Source:
- @typcn_soliloquize_bot:Analyze the activity level of group members
- @CNBlackListRBot:blacklist bot
- @MessageAnalystBot
- @hj_util_bot
automatic response
- @fengfaqbot The Honey of the Host – Yukien:Group owner secretary,Automatically reply to messages,Automatically remove swear words
- @keyword_reply_bot I know this – Keyword Robot:Automatically reply to content corresponding to keywords,Delete messages containing keywords。GitHub
- @MissRose_bot Rose:English group management bot,Can automatically reply to keywords,Limit the number of speeches within a specific time and many other functions
Post anonymously
- @Anonymous_telegram_bot:Anonymous speaking robot,Invite it to the group,Then send the content you want to publish anonymously to the bot in a private message,Then select the group you want to send anonymous messages to,The robot will help you send messages to this group
- @mirroring_bot:If you send it to the bot, it will be sent back again.,Used to hide the original speaker。It will reply to the content you sent intact.,Then forward it to others,Others can only see that the poster is this robot
video release
- @DouYinAppBot【SeSe色色 • 抖音视频】:发布关键词机器人自动回复视频,加入鉴黄工作者
- 也可以把这个机器人拉到频道自动发布视频,Effect:
Picture publishing
- @xiannvgong_bot Fairy Palace:Picture publishing robot (non-missing pictures),/hello 9 random photos,/all A random set of photos (use traffic with caution,I tried it once and sent 130 photos)
Two-way robot
If you are restricted from private chatting,Clone your own two-way robot for easy communication
- @JQRGCBot[Robot customization, two-way robot free cloning factory]:Chinese
- @ConnectThisBot【Connector】:English
RSS Subscription Robot:
Recommended for channels,Groups use influence to communicate
- @RSSWBot 【RSS shop】:Full text RSS feed available,You can also set subscription keywords,Details can be found on his official website
- @NodeRSS_bot 【NodeRSSBot】:Multi-language support,Can be deployed by docker by yourself
- @rssflowbot 【flowerss】:An RSS bot that supports in-app reading,Automatically convert content into links,View RSS content directly in telegram,You can use docker to deploy RSS robots for your own use,docker deployment method
- @RssChinabot 【RssChinaBot】:Recently @rssflowbot went on strike,This robot is built using flowerss open source code,It can also provide the function of previewing RSS content in TG
- @EventsAggregatorBot:foreign bot,Retweet your favorite tweets in Telegram、Instagram、RSS、Reddit、YouTube、Twitch account。
- @rss2tg_bot:foreign bot,Send it the rss link directly,Sending the same link once will unsubscribe.,There are advertisements
- @TheFeedReaderBot 【Feed Reader Bot】:foreign bot,Feed Reader Bot monitors websites, Facebook/Youtube/Twitter ,accounts, and sends messages when new posts are made. YouTube videos smaller than 50M are directly available for file download.,Connect your own twitter account,Customizable video,picture,Text sending method,For example, whether to use telegarm to preview,Whether to output full text,And can output overly long content through segmentation,Pictures can be output directly,video,text,Up to 8 subscriptions,Hair loss often occurs
- @RustRssBot 【RSSBot】:Chinese Telegram RSS Robot(Subscribe to group:Pull the bot into the group with the command /sub Subscribing to the channel requires private chat,For example /sub @xxx
- @AximoBot:foreign bot,Social Media RSS Robot,Subscribe to,,,,,, accounts, users and public groups, blogs, channels and Facebook public pages.
- @FeedManBot 【Feed Man Bot】:foreign bot,Your perfect partner,All your RSS feeds can be updated at any time,Full text subscription available,Subscribe to up to 50 youtube channels
- @the_monitor_bot 【The Monitor – RSS Reader】:foreign bot,El Monitorro is an RSS reader,When you subscribe to a new feed,You will receive its last 10 messages。after,You will only receive new content。RSS feed update check interval is 1 minute。The delivery interval for unread emails is also 1 minute。at present,The number of subscriptions is limited to 20。
- @RSStT_Bot【RSS to Telegram Bot】:Powerful,Easy to browse,Can be built by oneself
Download resource related robot bot
- @filetobot【File to bot】:Save your files in Telegram’s unlimited private storage。Can send or forward files (including videos、audio, etc.),The reply contains a URL that can be opened and downloaded by the browser.,Domestic download speeds are generally only a few dozen K。You can choose Chinese
- @GoogleDriveManagerBot Google Cloud Storage Manager:GD network disk resource transfer,The free version can only transfer deposits every day 50 files
- @Gdriveit_bot Can help you upload telegram files to your Google drive,And you can view your GD files in TG
- @Tg2extbot Public Link Bot:Upload or forward files to it,It will help you upload to the designated foreign network disk and share the link with you
- @UloaditV2Bot【URL Uploader】:Send the direct download address to the robot,It will be uploaded to telegram remotely
- @gdlink_bot GDlink:Send the sharing link of the GD network disk single file to it,It will reply to the direct link download address
- @GetPublicLinkBot::Forward the telegram file to this bot,It will generate external download links so that you can use third-party download tools (such as idm,Thunder, etc.) download,Or transfer it to your GOOGLE cloud disk (need to be bound first)
- @MyPersonalBackupBot【MyBot】:Send a file (document) in chat、video、photo、sticker、Audio、voice、gif),Then reply to the file just sent,Command "save filename123",Then send "file name 123" to the robot in the future,it will send you this file。
Download YouTube video audio bot bot
- @bilibiliparse_bot[AI online analysis summary video]:Support Bilibili analysis、 Douyin analysis、 Xiaohongshu analysis、 Twitter(Twitter)parse、 Instagram analysis、 Youtube(oil pipe)parse、 Tiktok analysis、 Kuaishou analysis、 Analysis of Pipi Shrimp、Hupu analysis、 Weibo analysis
- @UploadsRobot【?UploadsBOT⚡️】:In addition to downloading YouTube,You can also download direct link files on your behalf。Need to follow the channel。Videos with age restrictions may not be downloadable。
- @TG_YouTubeBot【YouTube bot⚡️】:Need to follow the channel。Videos with age restrictions may not be downloadable。
- @YouTubeV2TGBot【YouTube】:Need to follow the channel。
Film and television robot bot
- @Tv_subtitles_bot TV Subtitles:Provide English subtitles for TV series
- @subtitle_dl_bot Subtitles:Provide English subtitles for movies
music robot bot
- @vkm_bot【VKM Bot】:Send artist name or song title,Will reply to you with multiple singers and songs to choose from
- @vkmusic_bot【VK Music Bot】:Same as 【VKM Bot】,Send artist name or song title,Will reply to you with multiple singers and songs to choose from
- @ChinoNyanBot[Chinoya]:Download lossless music for free (supports QQ Music, NetEase Cloud and Xiami。QQ lossless may not be available (Aquamarine)
- @zenplayerbot【Zen Player】:Download lossless music for free,It seems that Chinese support is not very good,No songs were found when testing "Under the Sea"
- @WooMaiBot[Hymono sister! Small haze]:Chinese,Multifunctional entertainment robot,How to use song request/netease song title ,Can be used in groups。There are many practical functions,translate,Obtain personal information,Get the data center where the account is located,QR code encoding/decoding,Image text recognition,Wall detection,Generate higher strength random numbers,Get sticker image,Get IP address information,ping,Query WHOIS information,Query domain name ICP registration information,Hash plaintext query
- Detailed description:
language translation robot bot
- @TransChat_bot【TransChat – AI Translation】:Can be invited to groups,A robot that automatically translates dozens of languages,There are some free quotas every day。Private chat robot translation for free
- @Translate:A robot that can translate its own speech into English and other languages
- @bingdict_bot:Bing-based dictionary、Translation function
- @TranslateFather_bot:translation robot
- @en_to_tw_bot:English-traditional translation robot
- @TranslateBot:translation robot
- @lang_translate_bot:translation robot,Can operate in groups
- @The_Translator_bot:translation robot,Can operate in groups
- @YTranslateBot:translate
channel bot bot
- @channellikebot:Channel Like Bot , Utilities,After this Bot publishes any post in the channel,will automatically add a message with two voting buttons。Nothing else is needed
- @jogle_channel_bot:This bot provides a portal for your channel to reply to and display comment information,Thus providing an interactive platform for the channel。Just add this BOT as channel admin,Then private chat robot /help and operate according to the prompts。
- @discussbot:A comment bot created by Telegram,The official website is ,This website provides 2 functions,The one on the left is this robot,Add it to your channel,There will then be a button below your published content,Clicking will pop up a web page,You can leave comments after logging in above,Official demo,Notice:The forwarded content seems to have no effect。The one on the right is a third-party comment function provided by telegram that can be added to your website.,Comment data is stored on TG’s servers,You also need to log in to your TG account to comment.,Chinese is not currently supported,Therefore, you need to consider the inconvenience for your domestic users to register a TG account (TG’s official website requires scientific access to the Internet to register an account)。
Scientific Internet
- @ioexbot【今日节点】:发送“获取节点”即可(或者直接点“获取节点”按钮),会获得v2ray连接
- @mtpro_xyz_bot 【Proxy Monitoring Bot】:免费获取TG代理的bot,支持中文,可获取代理类型为MTProxy和sock5,不过速度似乎都不太理想
Email related robot bot
- @DropmailBot a temporary email with the suffix
Some website robots
- @HK_heroku_BOT:Manage your heroku account。
- @ppuabot:if in Apply for a free domain name of,Will be used when activating。
- @smsActivateruBot: A robot for a Russian code receiving website,For the time being, I only know that after logging in after binding, a message will be sent to TG to remind you.。
Anonymous transactions
- @MugglePayBot [TG Anonymous Payment Wallet – Muggle Treasure]:Electronic wallet based on telegarm,0 handling fees for anonymous transactions。Safety unknown!
GIF query
- @TumblrAce_bot[GIF provenance query robot]:This robot can help you find the source of GIF animations,Query requires points,Initial points: 50 points,You can get 30 more points by visiting through the invitation link when you use it for the first time.
- @mine_sweeper_bot 【Minesweeper】:minesweeper game GitHub
- @xiaoshuobot:A robot that can download novels by following prompts,Provided is TXT format file download
Social Work Database Query
- @jrsgk1_bot 【巨人免费社工库】:需要关注频道才能使用,无免费次数,使用积分查询,每天签到获得积分
- @oldZHSGKbot 【综合数据社工库】:需要关注频道和群组才能使用,目前免费查询,但是有时间间隔限制
- @DeepWebSGK_bot 【深网-社工库机器人】:需要关注两个频道才能使用,每天免费3次查询,猎魔查询每个账号只有3次试用次数
- @SeedSGKBOT 【Seed&社工库机器人】:需要关注频道和群组才能使用,无免费次数,使用积分查询,每日签到可领3积分
- @BearSGK_bot 【小熊免费社工机器人】:需要关注两个频道才能使用,无免费次数,使用积分查询,没有猎魔查询功能
Delete messages in batches
- @delall_bot:You can delete all your channel or group messages。Add the bot to the channel/group as admin (at least with "Delete Message"、"Invite users" and "Add administrator" permissions)
Query TG account information
- @getidsbot【GetIDs Bot】:Forward private chat content to the robot to get an ID
Limit copy message extractor
Used when a channel or group restricts copying of message content,Such robots generally require that they must pay attention to designated channels
- @msg_get_bot【Telegram Message Extractor(Support public/private channels/groups)】:5 free times a day
You can build your own robot source code
May be repeated as above,This area collects code provided by the author,Bots you can use on your own server
- @Archive_by_2049bbsBot 【Web Archive Robot】:Send URL to automatically archive web pages
- Telegram card issuing robot
- shell-bot:shellbot is a Telegram bot that executes Shell commands remotely,That is, use the Linux command,Control your VPS via bot。
- fclone shell bot:Based on shell-bot,Use fclone to transfer Google drive files through telegram robot。
- @TdPmBot:Full-featured Telegram private chat bot and creator。Helps you create and manage Telegram private chat bots。
- tgcf:将指定频道消息转发到另一个指定频道的telegram机器人
Commonly used robots:The following have not been sorted out yet
- @ComenBot:Guestbook
- @CommentsBot:Guestbook,All messages are displayed in a new web page
- @anycombot:Automatically add comment button,like button,Share on facebook,twitter,vk button
- @groupagreebot(Invalid):Guestbook,Voting and other functions
- @vote:used to create polls ,Up to ten items
- @multi_vote_bot:Create a multiple-choice poll,Anonymous voting
- @groupdisagreebot:vote,Unlimited options,Users can add options independently
- @homegroupagreebot
- @advancedpollbot
- @shizzlegroupagreebot
- @ultimate_pollbot:A voting bot with rich features,Options can be added,Multiple choice,Can be anonymous
- @shizzlegroupagreebot:Very slow,Voting and other functions
- @like:Comments with like and other emoticon buttons
- @bold:Markdown bot formatted input,enter: @bold this is bold , this is Italic , and this is
/wp:list-item 9
。You can get。 - @inlinebubot:This bot can send buttons using simple syntax,No programming required,Solve the pain point of human telegram accounts being unable to send buttons。
- @mdrobot:Send me markdown text and I will format it for you
- @S4Channels:This bot will send formatted text to your
- @ControllerBot:Bots for channel owners,Can help you create rich posts,View statistics and more
- @PostBot:Comments to help generate custom buttons
- @printfbot:Help formatting text post-publish,For example, add likes,link button,html,markdown or native format
- @BotsGramButtonsBot:button robot
- @Buttoncreatingbot:Make a button robot
- @Qualitymovbot:Make a button robot
- @my_buttonbot:Make a button robot
- @TG_PostBot:Make a button robot
- @twittervid_bot:download twitter video
- @Instasave_bot download instagram。Just send the link
- @youtube:YouTube video search
- @YoutubeChannelsBot:This robot is developed for Chinese Youtubers,Integrated Youtube Data API, Convenient for Youtuber group owners to manage their own channels,At the same time, this robot also provides some functions commonly used in the group.
- @spambot:Official robot,If the account is restricted due to advertising or other reasons,You can find relevant information through this robot
- @tlgurbot:Get a public link for a photo/video/file with Telegram.
- @TransferRobot transfers files smaller than 20mb to the robot,which generates external download links。The link is not blocked
- @txt2speechbot:Text to speech
- @ehForwarderBot:You can send and receive WeChat messages on Telegram,View details:
- @socks5_bot:Automatically set socks5 proxy,Log in to TG without bypassing the firewall
- @JButler_bot:Cryptocurrency Quote Bot
- @RSSHub_bot :Everything is possible RSS:RSSHub is a lightweight、Easily extensible RSS generator, Generate RSS feeds for any weird content
- @rsshubbot:Has expired
- @rsshub
- @telefeedbot(Invalid):Read rss feeds and social networks right in telegram
- @ChannelBroBot:Free Telegram Chat automation System ,Can automatically find website rss,Customizable sending format,Up to three RSS subscriptions
- @pstrbot:Send posts from different social networks to your channels,To use PosterBot you must create bot on @BotFather
- @chatfuelbot(Invalid):Build your own bot,YOUTUBE can be customized,TWITTER,RSS etc.
- @Manybot:Manybot lets you create your own bot。 Send a message,Create custom commands and menus。 Press send message to start
- @LivegramBot:Livegram Bot is a builder of feedback bots for Telegram.
- @WikipediaLinkBot:use[[]]or{{}}Provides a link to the Chinese Wikipedia
- @at:youtube search robot,No need to add as a friend or join a group,Type @vid directly in the group or chat window,You can search youtube videos
- @CorsaBot:Convert web pages into posts,It is an upgraded version of @chotamreaderbot
- @chotamreaderbot:Instant preview,After sending the link, you can instantly preview the full text
- @ReadmeBot:Show the full text of the linked page
- @apkdl_bot:Download Android apps and games
- @tchannelsbot:English group channel list。Find channels in Telegram。
- @youtube:This robot recommends applications for personal use、group、channel。Used to find popular YouTube videos,Or you can specify a subscription channel,Notify when new videos are available。
- @leakip_bot:Check if IP is leaked by telegram
- @telegraph:This bot can help you log in on, manage your articles, and get page view statistics.
- @JsonDumpBot:by forwarding messages,Can get the UID of the sender of the message
- @userinfobot:View the ID of the person who forwarded the message
- @getidsbot:This bot gives you telegram-internal information about messages
- @getidsstagingbot:by forwarding messages,Can get the UID of the sender of the message
- @myidbot:Get the tg id of yourself or all groups
- @MTProxybot:Set up and manage Telegram MTProxy servers
- @gdprbot:This bot helps you get a copy of your data saved on the telegarm server
- @WordFreqBot:Count the frequency of words within a group
- @GifReverseBot:gif timeline backwards
- @GmailBot:gmail official
- @WhatAnimeBot:Search anime by pictures
- @temp_mail_bot:Can randomly generate a temporary mailbox with a validity period of 10 minutes,Applicable to temporary registration
- @UserBot:Check local information,Includes CPU temperature,Memory,IP address etc.
- @LinkGeneratorBot:Tg short URL service
- @referbot:Tg short URL service
- @gohubioBot:URL shortening service
- @filetobot file saving
- @filesbot file sharing
- @thesafebot File encryption and sharing
- @hidetextbot:Generate a post in TG,and generate links for dissemination (Used to spread private posts)
- @TransferRobot transfers files smaller than 20mb to the robot,which generates external download links。The link is not blocked
- web_image_extractor_bot:A robot that fetches pictures in batches from web pages and sends them in the form of albums,channel: @webimageextractor
- @junction_bot:Collect posts from channels,so you can read them all in one feed。 Messages can also be forwarded to group chats and channels,The free version can subscribe to 10 channels,Paid version unlimited
- @tagchannelbot:Forward messages with specified tags in the group to the channel
- @SingleFeedBot:Channel aggregation reading robot
- @GIFDownloader_bot:tg is a robot that can save stickers into gifs
- @DownloadStickersBot:Emoticon Download Robot
- @Stickerdownloadbot:Emoticon Download Robot
- @stickersearchbot:Expression search robot
- @StFindBot:Expression search robot
- @EmojiWorldBot:Expression search robot
- channel2rssbot:Channels can be generated into rss
- @big_text_bot:Convert text into graphics for publishing
- @midi2wavebot:MIDI to MP3 robot
- @WhatAnimeBot anime search ,Send animation screenshots,The robot will tell you the anime information and the source of the screenshots (accurate to the episode, minutes and seconds), and the subtitles can also be used.。
- @spotifybot:Download a preview version of the song
- @MusicHuntersBot:music robot
- @u2bu_mp3_bot:music robot,How to use find song title,Can be used in groups
- @zenplayerbot:music robot,/netease <space>Song title or artist name
- @WebpageBot:Update instan view content
- @imgurplusbot:Imgur image bed robot
- @DistortBot:Picture twist robot
- @NTT_X_BOT:Can be bound to Twitter and can create private chat robots,Set up group automatic replies,You need to authenticate your twitter account to use it
- @gdriveme_bot:Send a file link or youtube address,Automatically upload to Google Drive
- @multiinoltrobot:Forward channel information to group
- @LinkbaseBot:Enter multiple URLs,Then search for the required content in the URL
-,Posts on the website are converted to web post,Previously it was to avoid website blocking,But now itself is blocked,There seems to be no use anymore.
- @FreqRobot:Limit the number of times a speaker can speak in a minute or a day
- @visiontest1bot:The best OCR recognition robot
- @imageToText_bot:The best OCR recognition robot
- @renamebot:Telegram file rename
- @File_RenamerBot:Telegram file rename
- @QR_Wizardbot:QR code robot
- @QRCodeRoBot:QR code robot
- @qrcrbot:QR code robot
- @MakeQrBot:QR code robot
- @BarQRCodeBot:QR code robot
- @attachbot:Convert images into invisible text links
- @nocaption_bot:Clear text attached to video files
- @letmebot:Can be googled,duckduckgo,Search on youtube etc.
- @multiple_pin_bot :You can add multiple messages to the group
- @scihubot : access Scientific Papers for free via SciHub (
- @QuizBot:Test questions
- @alertbot:This robot recommends applications for personal use。You can send specified messages to yourself after a specified time,It's a reminder tool
- @WikiRobot:Send messages to the group periodically
- @sticker_time_bot:Send a picture reminder every hour
- @AntiHyperlinkBot:removes all messages which contain links
- @AntiArabicScriptBot:removes all messages which contain arabic script
- @SpamMeNotBot:protects your group from spam/flood attacks
- @AntiCommandBot:removes all messages which contain a /command
- @GroupOwnerBot.:More useful bots for group owners
- @drwebbot:Dr.Web launches an experimental Telegram Bot,It can check web links and files,and warn if threats are contained。When you receive a suspicious file,It can be forwarded to this Bot for inspection。Notice:This Bot is not a replacement for anti-virus software,Because it cannot scan mobile devices or computers,Block malware and repair infected devices。If you want to completely protect your device,We recommend you to install Dr.Web Anti-Virus。After adding it to the group and configuring it,,When a threat is found in files sent in group chats,It will prompt in time:Which file is a threat?,What is the name of the virus?,Facilitate further operations for administrators。(It is recommended to turn on quiet mode,Let the bot only send notifications when a threat is detected)。Single file limit 20M (Aquamarine)
- Group Cleanup Master @GroupCleanupMasterBot:Smart clear ads
- @grep_robot:Delete posts containing blacklisted words
- @LookOnbot:advertising killer,Just delete the message to assist group management in clearing ads,There are also many practical functions,Including prohibiting associated channels from being pinned to the top,Block virus files, etc.
- @ProtectronBot:Remove ad link,short link,Forward,Group messages in and out,Set keyword blacklist,Ban screen swiping,Delete pornographic images, etc.,More manslaughter.
- @freqrobot:Limit the speaking frequency of group members
- @adzhongjiezhe_bot:ad buster,Delete offending messages by setting keywords
- @DiscussUnpinBot:Disable association with channel group pins
- @noexebot:Automatically delete exe、scr、com、Files with cpl suffix
- @daysandbox_bot:Delete the forwarding of new people who join the group within 24 hours,Pictures and other information
- @watchdog_robot:Delete certain types of information,For example link,sticker,picture,voice message,documents etc.
- @noarab_bot:Remove Arabic and Farsi messages
- @lang_blocker_bot:Delete information in specified language
- @HushRobot:Disable group chat
- @join_bot:Delete prompt information for entering and exiting a group
- @nohello_robot:Delete welcome message
- @jung2_bot counts the number of comments made by users in the group
- Statistics Secretary @FengStatsBot:,This secretary does various statistics in the group,Number of speeches etc.
- @MasterTagAlertBot management notifications
- @imdb:Check movie information on IMDb
- @uploadbot magical ordinary URL to TG file,Single file limit 500M,1GB limit per day。If you want more space, you can buy VIP
- @jobs_bot:Telegram officially provides job opportunities
- @sms24_me :Provide a phone number to receive text messages is a powerful, convenient and easy-to-use Telegram community management Bot.,TOLL,There is a free quota - @SearcheeBot:TG channel search robot
- @BotListBot:bot search
- @ExploreTelegramBot:Find bot,channel,group,Stickers etc.
- @GroupHelpBot:Group management bot,In addition to commonly used commands,You can also view the recently inactive list,Set keyword auto-reply
- @LimitedBot:Generate private chat bot
- @callAdminsBot:Send a message to the administrator
- @hexlightning_bot:Taiwanese’s own blacklist bot
- BotoStore: A foreign website that specifically includes telegram bots,A bot that filters out spam and adult content
- BotsArchive: Telegram Bot Archives,Bots that do not include adult content
- telegram channel:@BotsArchive
- telegram bot:@BotsArchiveBot
- Search Telegram Bots: A website to find Telegram bots by type
- Telegram:Beginner's Guide、Usage tutorials and channel recommendations: netizenTingsupply,If you don’t understand the telegraph, you can read it (it’s blocked by a wall and needs a ladder)
免费 AI 换脸机器人,意淫自己喜欢的女生 Chinese translation channel (search group) (search movies) (search movies/music) (Open AI)
This channel provides the ability to set the Telegram APP page to Chinese、Lift various restrictions
As well as join group channels and search various resource services
First we click the JOIN button at the bottom to follow this channel
Then click below the video, click here to set the Chinese simplified text, and then click CHANGE in the lower right corner of the pop-up window to successfully set the page language to Chinese. The Change pop-up window on the Apple phone will be displayed at the bottom of the phone screen.
Next, we click on the text "Telegram Chinese Search Navigation Group" and then click the join button at the bottom of the jump page.
The built-in robot in the group prompts us to click on three icons in the order of prompts before we can speak.
We click on the icons in the order prompted
If you click the wrong button, you will not pass the verification.
Click on the three vertical dots in the upper right corner and then click to exit the group chat
Rejoin and click again in sequence
After passing the verification, we can send the content keywords we are looking for in this Chinese navigation group to the group.
The built-in group search robot will return the matched group or channel
Guo roller sun roller
TG telegram|Souqun artifact|Chinese navigation group
TG telegram|Chinese search|Chinese navigation group
Telegram marketing full-featured software
Really easy to use Free driving robot,You can also customize ads by adding them to your own group,No third-party advertising,perfectly worked
@Coincarp_cnbot virtual currency real-time quotation robot,Reply virtual currency code,Automatically reply to relevant currency quotes
Premium Free ASMR Sleep Aid
Search resources、Search pictures、Good news for veteran drivers
ASMR veteran driver channel Chinese Navigation/Chinese Channel/Chinese Search [Souqun Artifact]
Are all the robots that can obtain direct links to tg group files invalid? tg file download cannot be done at full speed every time
Driving robot
Tesla Chinese exchange group
Henan Zhengzhou Exchange Group
2021.7.12Update content
Add to:
LZ,Is there any robot that clones the group?,It means forwarding all the video, audio files, etc. in the group to another group.。
All downloads of youtube videos are gone
Yes,Because of copyright issues,updated
The original poster! When will we introduce potato’s robot and group navigation? ? ? ?
Never used potato yet,So I don’t know much about the above robots and groups.
@TGSoBot has stopped serving
@tgcue_bot @qunzudaquan_bot @sousuo_bot seems to be out of service
@zh_secretary_bot clicked the link but no response
Thanks for reminding,tested @qunzudaquan_bot @zh_secretary_bot can also be used
@TGSoBot has stopped serving
@chino_nyan_bot is @chinonyanbot
@chinonyanbot can be used but QQ lossless cannot be obtained
@drwebbot There is a 20MB limit on uploading files
@LinkToFilesBot prompts for infringement
@Uloadit_bot has been updated to @UloaditV2Bot
@GetPublicLinkBot seems to be out of service
Thanks for reminding,The bots on several of your comments have been modified or deleted,Please forgive me for taking so long to modify it.,Telegram has too many robots,Just looking at it gives me a headache and makes me want to be lazy
Thanks to the author for collecting,I am here Also compiled some Bots。
2020.12.3Update content
music robot bot
Download resource related robot bot
Social Work Database Query
I can't even use that social work library.,Does the boss know how to find a long-lost elementary school classmate? only know name,and primary school name。
Update a social engineering library bot@shegongku58bot,You can try
2020.10.22Update content
Scientific Internet
GIF query
Query TG account information
2020.09.15Update content
You can build your own robot source code
May be repeated as above,This area collects code provided by the author,Bots you can use on your own server
Delete messages in batches
What's this? I understand,Please ask a professional to guide me,Find a master
This is a robot used by the foreign chat tool telegram,This chat tool requires scientific Internet access to use,If you don’t use this chat tool, you can ignore the content of this article.
Is there any robot that can find ID numbers through gifs?
There really is a "GIF provenance query robot",But I haven’t tried it to see how effective it is.,And the inquiry requires points.,If you need to use more, you should consider passing @hao1234bot Find some GIF related groups
Use my invitation link to get 30 more points如何查找资源-10-12
2020.07.22Update content
Increase:TG Chinese group index robot bot 3indivual
Invite you to experience Jisou,A must-have one-stop search engine for Telegram users。Accurate、fast、Search massive resources on Telegram 👉