AI search website collection

Last updated on:2024-05-11 15:35:58

With the popularity of AI,Now there are some AI searches。

certainly,Some traditional search engines have also launched their own AI searches,Such as bing、Baidu、Quark et al.。

Here are only some websites that are different from traditional search for reference.。


Tiangong AI search

  • Chinese,Documents can be uploaded。

Secret Tower AI Search

  • Chinese,The slogan is "No Advertising,Direct results”。Good experience in Chinese,Answers will be provided directly after searching,So if you want to search the website URL, it may not work well。


  • English,Closer to traditional search display methods,Provide related websites after search。

Bing AI

  • Available in Chinese,Optional language,You may need to access the Internet scientifically。Owned by Microsoft,It’s a very famous search,Not much introduction。


  • Available in Chinese,Optional language,Need to access the Internet scientifically。Preferred for programmers to use。

Kaisou AI

  • Chinese,Asking for a login account


  • English,Available Chinese search,Block Chinese IP。Provides search summary and search website address at the same time,Good experience。


  • English,Default answer is English,You need to ask for a Chinese answer before answering in Chinese,Need to access the Internet scientifically。Chinese search results are average。


  • English,Chinese search is bad。Academic search。
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